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Writing The First Dating Email

Advice: How to write emails to your internet date

So you have met the person with whom you have a few things in common and you wish to progress to the next level in a relationship. Well, in that case, it is imperative that the all-important first email that you write should be captivating. A few things need to be noted in order to ensure that the first email that is sent captivates her attention.

Your first dating email: Rule Number One: Be different

People who use internet  dating services receive many emails on a daily basis. It is important that you should ask yourself that what it is about your email that makes it different from others Stay clear of long descriptions about the other person’s qualities. Remember that you have to be different. Do not state things that she has probably heard innumerable times.

Getting ideas for your dating email: Study the profile

The best way to assess a person is to read and then re-read what she has written, about herself, in her profile Most of the times, we can find tips related with a person if we carefully read what the person has written. This can aid us in writing the first email as we can then get to know what is on the person’s mind and, accordingly frame our email. This will also make your first email exclusive and one that has not been written by countless others before you.

Don’t get into too much details - But ask what you are interested in

It is better not to include too many things about yourself in the very first email itself. If the email is too lengthy, the other person might lose interest halfway through the email. Moreover, since it is your very first email you are not sure of the reaction that the email might evoke. It is better to leave some things for later, provided, of course that you receive a response.

If you wish to know something about the other person, it is better to ask her when you are writing your very first email itself. However, it is better not to be too inquisitive or probing. You are after all a stranger and the person at the other end might not like your curiosity.

The strategy for sending follow-up dating emails

It might be a good idea to wait for an answer before sending the next email. Remember that changes might have occurred after the other person had posted the email id and wait for an answer before going ahead. For all you know, the other person might have found a suitable match before your email reaches that person. Also, sending more than one email might make you appear too eager to receive a response.

The perfect style for your first dating email

It is advisable that the tone of the email should not be too serious. This does not mean that you should be playful, but at the same time, it should not be serious. Do not give the impression that you are trying to flirt with the person but use your own distinctive style to write the email.

The first email is an all-important factor in ensuring that you receive a response wherein you can progress to the next level of your relationship. Your first email should be such that it leaves the recipient yearning to know more about you.

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